Community Loving Care Hospice in Bowling Green, MO

Community Loving Care Hospice in Bowling Green, MO

Community Loving Care Hospice in Bowling Green, Mo., has a patient on service for ALS. He was just diagnosed in April and has declined very rapidly since that time. He has a young daughter who has a wedding planned for October. Last month, Maria Werr, RN, recognized...

Hospice of Central Arkansas in Hot Springs, AR

We recently received an email from the son of a patient who was on service at Hospice of Central Arkansas in Hot Springs, Ark. He also happens to be a community physician. Here is what he said: “My mom was recently enrolled in hospice care and died last Thursday. She...
University of Tennessee Hospice in Knoxville, TN

University of Tennessee Hospice in Knoxville, TN

University of Tennessee Hospice in Knoxville, Tenn., has a patient who lives alone in a small trailer that is in poor shape. Her daughter is far away in Florida, and her son, who is local, has health issues of his own and is unable to help his mom. During IDG, it was...
Housecalls Hospice in Parkersburg, WV

Housecalls Hospice in Parkersburg, WV

Housecalls Hospice in Parkersburg, W. Va., has a WWII veteran on service. Upon admission, he was hesitant to talk about himself or his experiences. One day, as Barbie Cobble, LPN, was making a scheduled visit and about to start her assessment, the patient told her he...
Wythe Hospice of SWVA in Wytheville, VA

Wythe Hospice of SWVA in Wytheville, VA

Wythe Hospice of SWVA in Wytheville, Va., recently partnered with Open Door Cafe as their WHV Veteran-to-Veteran Café venue. This is a restaurant that allows customers to pay what they can for their meal and/or volunteer to work. Several Wythe Hospice staff members...