Northern Arizona Hospice in Flagstaff, Ariz., has a 98-year-old patient who is a World War II
veteran and is frequently alone. Due to his illness, he mostly watches TV, but used to be very active doing construction work and do-it-yourself projects. Marilyn Fogg, hospice volunteer, visits him weekly and stays as long as three hours at a time to help fill in the long hours.

During her weekly visits, Marilyn discovered that the patient had a passion for making model airplanes. When she was out and about, she went to Hobby Lobby and had the salesperson help her with the self-assembly model airplanes (no glue needed), which happened to be from World War II! Marilyn bought some for the patient. He was so grateful he cried!

Thanks to Marilyn, for getting to know more about the patients she volunteers with. She not only became a companion for this patient, she also helped to fulfill one of his passions.